Chittariyya Arabic College Syllabus

Afzul Ulama study in Arabic, English and Urdu, trilingual modern curriculum # Five years course "Moulavi Alim"[Islamic Religion] with Computer Art

Staying in hostel, studying till 12th standard at Mohamedia Higher Secondary School-Chittarakottai, trained practicing five times of Prayer, disciplinary practices, and art of learning computer, fluency in speaking and writing in Urdu, English and Arabic, trained with proficient teachers to score high marks in government exams.

Three years Hifzul Quran [Quran memorisation] with Thajweedh

Course details to be taught
1 التفسير Thafseer Interpretation of the Holy Quran
2 الحديث Hadhith Hadhith of Prophet
3 الفقه Fiqh Islamic Laws
4 التاريخ Thaareekh History
5 العقيدة Akeedha Doctrine
6 الصرف Sarf Etymology
7 النحو Nahu Grammar
8 الأدب Adhab literature
9 الأخلاق Akhlaaq Ethics
10 الآداب Aadhaab Morals
11 الأصول Usool Origins of Islamic laws
12 الانشاء Inshaa Article embodiment
13 البلاغة Balaagah Rhetoric
14 العروضة Aroozhah Prosody
15 الجغرافية Jaghraafiyya Geography
16 الفلك Falaq Astronomy
17 الحساب Hisaab Mathematics
18 الهندسة Handhasah Geometry
19 الفرائض Faraayizh Inheritance Law
20 المنطق Manthiq The Art of Logic
21 اللغة Lughath Linguistics

"Seek knowledge from the Cradle to the Grave"
Daily Live classes from 9.00AM to 12.30PM
Friday Holiday
Contact us now at
9443 655 135

Dear Students,

In views of the COVID-19 pandemic and the increasing number of cases in Tamilnadu,Our college has decided that from Saturday,20 June 2020 until lockdown, all classes on campus will be replaced with online learning via Whatsapp. Students are therefore allowed to learn from home. For details on the online learning and teaching delivery, please refer to your respective Ustaz. The latest updates on learning information will be posted from time to time and please check your Whatsapp frequently to keep yourself up-to-date with the latest development and announcements.

Let us Make dua for everyone's health and safety.


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A/c NO: 617005038817
IFSC : ICIC0006170